Italian Olive Oil Il Cicalino

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Olio Extra Vergine d'Oliva Il Cicalino IGP

Pure Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tenuta Il Cicalino is a Protected Geographical Indication oil is made from olives plant Frantoio, Leccino and Pendolino.

The olives are harvested by hand coloring mixed greens are those of Frantoio, Black those of the Leccino and green ones of the Pendolino.

The pressing of this oil is cold, the color is yellow with shades of green, very fragrant with aromas of almond and artichoke. Being a scented oil you should use it to cook meat, fish soups or vegetables.

Brand: Tenuta Il Cicalino

Production: Extra Virgin Olive Oil IGP

Producer: Tenuta Il Cicalino- Massa Marittima (GR) Packer: Frantoio Sociale Olivicoltori Hills of Massa - Massa Marittima (GR) , Coop Agr. Cooperative Massa (GR) of Massa - Massa Marittima (GR)

Preservation method: In a dry place away from light and heat sources

Octagonal bottle: 0.50 Lt


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