About Us & Our Contacts
This site is operated by Etalian Food di Penitente Carmela.
We are registered at the Camera di Commercio di Firenze Italia under company number 619265 and with our registered office.
Via degli Agrifogli, 16
50142 Florence - Italy
This is also our main trading address.
You may contact us at the above mentioned address and through the following means:
Phone number: + 39 0555121403
Email address: info@etalianfood.com
Our VAT number is IT 06318180483
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions (ODR) which can be accessed at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
We are ready to participate in extra-judicial dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer dispute resolution body.
The competent body in this matter iS: Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers European Commission 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel Belgium, https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EN
Are you an Italian living abroad and you are missing your favourite home food? We know what you mean!
Are you passionate about Italian cooking culture but you never found the right ingredients? We have what you are looking for!
Are you looking for special ingredients or products for your food business? We can help you!
Etalian food is the first on-line grocery store that brings into the International market a variety of authentic, high quality Italian food products, this is the website where you can purchase the Authentic Italian Food from Italy.
With Etalian food you buy popular Italian food directly from Italy, and we guarantee an easy, efficient and competitive service.
Etalian food is a family business that started in January 2013 by two Italian sisters.
With one of us living in UK, our shared passion for the traditional homemade cooking did not burn out; the only problem was to find authentic Italian food products abroad!
Our products are carefully selected among the most famous Italian brands (such as Barilla, De Cecco, Pavesi, Perugina and many others) to provide you with the exceptional, delight and tasty shopping experience at competitive prizes.
We hope you enjoy browsing the Etalian food store and get inspired by our Italian cookbook full of traditional and innovative recipes and cooking tips. We can deliver your weekly Italian shop at your home or business directly from Italy. No matter where you are, the pleasure of the authentic Italian taste is here. Enjoy it.
Buon Appetito!
If you are looking for some Specific Italian Food, please contact us. We will find them for you!
Etalian food is an Italian online shop of Italian Foods, our prices are vat included, in countries where it is expected, the shipping costs are visible in the cart, simply enter the country, the city and the zip code. The shipments are managed within 48 hours, the delivery time and terms of payment are visible in the Shipping & Payment page.
ETALIAN FOOD di Penitente Carmela
Customer Service for information and claims: 00393496540011- skype: etalian.food
C. F. PNTCML74C45G942K Vat N. 06318180483 N.REA Florence 619265
Via degli Agrifogli, 16 - 50142 Florence - Italy T / F 0039 055 5121403
email: info@etalianfood.com